Mr. Stephen Nielson

Distinguished in both classical and sacred music, Steinway Artist Stephen Nielson is widely regarded as one of the distinctive artists of our time.

His concertizing has taken him to such cities as Hong Kong, Bogotá, Freiburg, Copenhagen, Berlin, London, Vienna, Brussels, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Prague, Salzburg, Jerusalem, and Chennai to name a few. He has toured major artistic centers in Russia, the Baltics, Japan, and Switzerland, and is an Ambassador of Culture for the World Cultural Alliance. His North American solo and chamber music itinerary for more than a quarter century numbers concerts in the hundreds, from Los Angeles to Boston, Seattle to Naples, Detroit to Mexico City, Miami to Winnipeg and Toronto, and Chicago to Dallas.

Hailing a performance in Germany, the Berlin Morgenpost said, “Highly sensitive, articulate artistry,” while Brussels’ Le Soir exclaimed, “Exciting and masterful playing.” His discography includes recordings of the classical repertoire, music for piano and cello, and hymn tunes in the classical style. His writing achievements appear in catalogues of several American publishers.

For more than four decades, Stephen Nielson was one-half of the acclaimed duo-piano team of Nielson & Young, whose breadth of repertoire and performance venues was virtually without comparison. He continues his ongoing solo activities and is embarking on exciting new musical partnerships in the United States and abroad.

Long committed to the high calling of mentoring and nurture in the teaching profession, Stephen Nielson has served on collegiate faculties in Illinois and Texas, and has for many years maintained an award-winning private studio of adult and pre-collegiate students. Underscoring the esteem in which he is held nationally as a renowned teacher, Mr. Nielson was inducted into the inaugural Steinway & Sons Teacher Hall of Fame in October, 2019.

Stephen Nielson is a Steinway artist.